Roxy Theatricals Presents THE DROWSY CHAPERONE
When a die-hard musical fan plays his favorite cast album, an obscure show called "The Drowsy Chaperone," the show magically spins to life right in the middle of his small apartment. We are instantly transported to the 1920's, and immersed in the glamorous, hilarious tale of a celebrity bride and her uproarious wedding day - complete with an absent-minded hostess, a harried producer, a dizzy chorine, a pair of gangsters, a Latin lothario, an aviatrix and the gin-soaked chaperone herself. Oh...and monkeys.
This sparkling musical was honored with 5 Tony Awards, including best story and best music!
S T A R R I N G Cory Blissett Anna Bussing Greg Floyd Sandra Fritz Jeremy Goeckner Eric Huber Kim Johnson Ed MacMurdo Hailey McNamara Pat Pennington Cassie Poe Patrick Russell Matt Ratz Luke Schulz Barry Weiss Craig Williams Cynda Wrightsman
Directed by ED MacMURDO Assistant Direction by SANDRA FRITZ Choreography by SUSAN COLLIER Vocal Direction by SARA BALTUSEVICH Scenic Design by SCOTT RICHARDSON Costume Design by MARY McDONALD and BETTY RING Prop Design by WENDY HAYWARD Technical Direction by JEFF NEVINS
ABOUT THE THEATRE The Legacy Theatre is the former Springfield Theatre Guild building at 101 East Lawrence Street. Dormant for years, the theatre has been spiffed up and reopened and is again filled with laughter and applause!
LocationThe Legacy Theatre
101 East Lawrence
Springfield, IL 62704
United States