Live at the Film Forum Presents Curry + Dillion: Interview Me
Interview Me integrates public installation, multi-media performance, and interactive movement theatre to explore the ways in which interviews function in our society. Curry + Dillon exploit the drama and architecture of "the interview" in a highly interactive evening where the audience plays a significant role in the experience. Drawing from historical references and contemporary social media, Interview Me forces an up-close investigation of America's love affair, and contemporary culture's fascination, with the interview. Curry + Dillon are Seattle/New York artists who explore recurring themes of reality versus fiction through interactive events. They have presented multi-disciplinary interactive performances in theaters, galleries and installed themselves in retail windows, hotel rooms, and other public spaces in their ongoing experimentation with communication-based, endurance performance. Visit www.currydillon.posterous.com to read more.
LocationNorthwest Film Forum
1515 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
United States