The Pound: A Musical for the Dogs
A funny and heartwarming family show to delight both the young and young-at-heart. "The Pound: A Musical for the Dogs" revolves around a collection of colorful, clever canines and their new shelter worker, Laura, in their quest to find a better life quickly - before time runs out...
Help Imagined Theatre raise awareness of the plight of shelter animals and join us for the exciting premiere of this new, original, family musical with music ranging from Blues to Broadway! A portion of ticket sales will be donated to local animal welfare organizations.
*Please note: Due to show content that GENTLY refers to animal abuse and depicts dog death, we recommend a minimum age of 5 years old, but please rely on your judgment for younger audience members.
Running time: 100 minutes plus intermission
From the creators of "Sasquatched! The Musical," which was one of the Next Link winners of the New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) in 2013. "Sasquatched! The Musical" has played to over 2500 people in New York and Minneapolis and is enjoying new productions from theater groups across the country.
LocationSabes JCC Theatre (View)
4330 S. Cedar Lake Road
Minneapolis, MN 55416
United States
Minimum Age: 5 |
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |