Roller Derby Bout
The Fort Myers Derby Girls will host their 6th bout of the 2011 Home Season on SATURDAY August 13th at Bamboozles Skating & Events Center (formerly Generations Skating Center) against the Tampa Bay Bruise Crew. Bamboozles is located at 2095 Andrea Lane in Fort Myers.
Doors open at 6:15p.m. Game Begins at 7p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door.
Note: Seating is limited, so we encourage you to bring a foldable chair in case all seating is taken.
Following the bout, we will be having a special after party hosted at Bamboozles where you can meet and skate with your favorite derby girls. Admission is free for bout patrons, but if you would like to skate and need to rent them, there is a small fee to do so.
LocationBamboozles Skating & Event Center
2095 Andrea Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33907
United States