Blind Jacob and the Heralding Troll
"Blind Jacob and the Heralding Troll" is a modern day fairy tale written and directed by Michael Langman. Featuring: Jessica Blair, Michael Langman, Sara Perry and Grant Sullivan Once up a time, there was a princess named Heidi, who climbed out of her tower for her prince, Jacob. Jacob loved Heidi very much...but he was restless about life and the modern world. The play opens with Jacob on a quest to find his place in the world. Heidi begins to question Jacob's sanity. Lisa, Heidi's bff, knows he's lost it when Jacob makes a wish into a fountain, hears the fountain speak to him and goes into the city sewer system looking for the voice. When Jacob finds the voice, Harold, he brings Heidi and a reluctant Lisa into the sewer to see the magical world he thinks he has found. Funny and charmingly sweet, this modern day fairy tale takes you from the idyllic world of Heidi and Jacob's apartment into the sewers below the city.
LocationThe Sherry Theatre
11052 Magnolia Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 91601
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |