Beyond Ghosts: Paranormal Road Trip to Gettysburg
November 4th and 5th, 2011- Beyond Ghosts continues it US Road Trip and heads to historic Gettysburg! Join us for a weekend of great American History and some of the best haunts this country has to offer. Your ticket will get you two days of investigation in arguably the most haunted location in North America! On Friday, we investigate the Jennie Wade House. Jennie Wade was the only civilian casualty of Gettysburg. She was killed by a stray bullet as she was baking bread in the kitchen. On Saturday, we head to the old Children's Orphanage. This building is the site of horrific torture and beatings of children where children were shackled up and left to die in the basement. We also plan on evening investigations of the battlefield on both nights before our scheduled investigations at the Jennie Wade House and the Children's Orphanage. Tickets for the one of a kind event are limited to less than 25 so they will not last long! Get your tickets and join Beyond Ghosts for an unforgettable weekend!
Here is a tentative timeline of events:
Friday, November 4th -
until 7pm - Investigation of Battlefield (location TBD) 9:30pm to 1:30am - Investigation of Jennie Wade House at 548 Baltimore Street
Saturday, November 5th -
11am to 5pm - Tour of Gettysburg Battlefield, sightseeing and shopping in town Until 7pm - Investigation of Battlefield (location TBD) 7pm - Dinner (location TBD, dinner paid for on your own) 10pm - Investigation of the Children's Orphanage - Soldier's Museum at 777 Baltimore Street
HOTEL ROOMS available at a special rate at the 1863 Inn of Gettysburg located at 516 Baltimore Street.
Phone number: Call Nancy Pritt from Gettysburg Group Reservations at 1-800-447-8788 to reserve a room. Website: www.1863innofgettysburg.com
Price per person single room - $104.65 per night Price per person double occupancy - $52.65 per night Price per person triple occupancy - $40.65 per night Price per person quad occupancy - $33.65
Check-in time is 3pm.
No refunds or exchanges on event tickets. All sales final. A rescheduled date will be made available in the unlikely event the ghost hunt is postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
TICKETS: $85 Pre-sale, No day of tickets
Location1863 Inn of Gettysburg
516 Baltimore Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
United States