"The Man from Orphan Island" by Cabaret Red Light
Kicking off the 2011-2012 season, Cabaret Red Light presents their fourth all-new show in the ongoing legend of real-life pirates Calico Jack, Mary Read and Anne Bonny, The Seven Deadly Seas. This time the Pirates of Ponzi take you to Orphan Island, a place where mechanical wooden children come to life in the hands of a marooned vaudevillian with a mysterious past. Don't miss this theater-in-the-round-and-under-the-stars performance aboard the historic Tall Ship Gazela, featuring live gypsy swing music, dancing girls, and a variety of classic vaudeville-style "entertainment for grown-ups."
LocationAboard the Tall Ship Gazela at Penn's Landing (View)
Penn's Landing at Market St. on the Delaware Waterfront
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States