Will Franken's "Part THREE of the Fourth Dimension Trilogy"
Following the success of the first two parts, Master Will Franken (SF Weekly's "Best Comedian" and SF Bay Guardian's "Best Alternative to Psychedelic Drugs") has decided to add a part three to his trilogy of mind-blowing, soul-warping shows.
Thus, the trilogy, by definition, will have been completed.
Will Franken's "Fourth Dimension Trilogy: Part 3: Robot Soup" Saturday, May 21st, 2011 8pm The Purple Onion 140 Columbus Avenue, SF $20 Shane Koon to open; Joe Klocek to feature;
This installment, also known as "The Return of The Sores" takes place in the future--where soup has been replaced by robots! And the original soup has been sent to a penal colony on Mars to make the cans that once enslaved them.
Never before seen characters make their appearance this night. A man who is sleeping with a married woman who has a boyfriend she's cheating on with another boyfriend becomes paranoid that there's ANOTHER boyfriend she's cheating on that isn't him! He's okay being the fourth in the sequence. . .but all hell breaks loose when he finds out he's NUMBER FIVE!!!!
A man born with only two hands finds acceptance in a community of fellow two-handers. Plus, experts on the subject posit that the third hand isn't as essential to human progress as we've long believed. Thus giving entirely new meaning to the phrase, "Hey, I've only got two hands here!"
And the new Mexican Chip from Intel. . .can it and should it be implanted into the bodies of trailer trash and crackheads to increase production and return the American work ethic back to pre-WWII standards? Or would that be racist?
All these answers and more will be questioned in PART THREE OF THE FOURTH DIMENSION TRILOGY: ROBOT SOUP!
LocationThe Purple Onion
140 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco , CA 94133
United States