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Midwest Eats: Foodways of the Great Depression
Kendall College
Chicago, IL
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Midwest Eats: Foodways of the Great Depression
Friday, April 29th at Kendall College from 2 pm until 7 pm

Margaret Rung, PhD, Director, Center for New Deal Studies at Roosevelt University and panelists  on events leading to the Great Depression.

The Depression Comes To The Black Metropolis
Chrisopher Robert Reed

Cities and urban life as they transitioned rom "prosperity" to depression.
James Wolfinger, Associate Professor of History at DePaul


The Depression via movies and newsreels
Michael Gebert, freelance writer, blogger about food at Sky Full of Bacon and movies Nitrateville.com

Perhaps no historical event went so quickly and directly onto movie screens as the Great Depression. Food writer and film buff Michael Gebert will talk about how Depression Era foodways were reflected in films of the period, and show clips depicting food in every context from soup kitchens to glitzy nightspots and from Automats to home kitchens.

Replication of a Relief Dinner served on May 7, 1938 in Chicago.  The menu offers 8-cents of ingredients.

Saturday, April 30th, from 9 AM to 4 PM at Kendall College

8 AM - Registration

9:00 AM:  Conference commences with Bruce Kraig, Ph.D.

Reflections on the Great Depression
Rick Kogan (invited), Columnist, Chicago Tribune

Social life in the Great Depression
Anne Mendelson, Author, Cookbook reviewer


Community Canning in the Depression: A case study
Deanna Pucciarelli, PhD.

In this presentation, I will provide commentary and photographs that delineate Ball Corporation's role in food assistance to Muncie residents during the Depression. We will look at the public projects that the corporation led and the involvement of the community.

From 1923 through 1924, Muncie, Indiana, considered 'Middle-class America' was studied in depth by Robert Staughton Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd, husband-and-wife sociologists. They would return to Muncie in 1935 to measure change in social structure as a correlate to the Depression. Long an industrial town with a history in manufacturing, Muncie also had a significant family farm economy. Ball Corporation established businesses in Muncie as far back as 1888 and had become synonymous with canning. The company employed a large proportion of the Muncie workforce in its various factories and played a significant role in daily discourse. Most households in suburban Muncie grew vegetables in their backyards. To help ease food cost burden to families, Ball Corporation set up community canning operations so that backyard garden produce could be canned for the winter. Ball Corporation also provided company land for apartment dwellers to grow food in community gardens.

Co-Eds at the Co-op: Student Depression-Era Foodways at Old Normal
Gina L. Hunter, PhD and Victoria Moré.

In this presentation we draw on data from oral histories and archival documents to examine student foodways at Illinois State Normal University during the Great Depression. During this era, enrollments soared at "Old Normal" as teaching again became an attractive profession for both women and men. Most students lived in boarding houses and rented rooms around campus. Some heated meals in their rooms; others worked for their board; many brought food from the family home. One Rural Education student describes "living on peanut butter and pork and beans" and her envy of a housemate who dined on canned meat from her nearby family farm. A soda at the corner Co-op or a hamburger from Meltham's was a special treat.

Such are the stories we have uncovered through the Old Main Project (oldmain.illinoisstate.edu), an archeological and oral history investigation of the first building of Illinois' oldest public university. Our interviewees, alumni from 1935-1940, have shared their memories of working, living, and studying on and around campus. Many describe the ways they "made do" or "got by" and all relate feeling "lucky to be" at ISNU.

In this presentation, we will share information we have gathered through oral histories, photos, and artifacts that together create a picture everyday life and common foodways of students. We invite ISNU alumni and other audience members to share family stories of depression-era student foodways.

Greater Midwest Foodways Heirloom Recipe Competition
Catherine Lambrecht

1930's Restaurant menus, postcards and books.
Peter Engler


No Longer does the Holiday Table Groan Under the Weight of Food
Whitney Lingle,

This presentation looks at holiday meals during the Great Depression. What traditions were upheld and which were altered to fit the family budget? Many components of holiday meals were simply produced on a smaller scale, but as processed foods like Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and Spam entered the marketplace they incorporated into holiday meals. What did they replace? Radio shows, cookbooks and newspaper columns all advised families on ways to trim the budget while still enjoying the festivity of their favorite meals. These media outlets focused on putting your best foot forward while entertaining (even if the crown roast was made of frankfurters).

Steaks and Shakes and the Great Depression
Robert Dirks, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at Illinois State University

This paper recounts the early history of Steak and Shake, a hamburger chain started in Central Illinois during the Great Depression. My presentation begins with a description of founder Gus Belt's original restaurant, a place he called "White House Steak and Shake." I maintain that the key to its success at a time when many existing "white-box restaurants" (e.g., White Castles, White Taverns, White Towers) were closing was not the food. Rather, it was Belt's insightful grasp of the Depression mentality and his talent as a showman. Belt made Steak 'n Shake all about T-bones and porterhouses, marquee lights, heavy china, and bright boys and girls eager to take orders. His talent as a restaurateur was such that for the price of a hamburger he not only catered to customers' hunger but served up a bit of fantasy. Sending people away feeling that they had been treated in a special way and making customers feel a little bit better about themselves was central to Steak n Shakes' success amidst the Great Depression.


Beer Production after Prohibition: Setting the Stage for the Rise of the Mega-breweries.

Michael Agnew, Certified Cicerone, A Perfect Pint

The 1930s set the stage for the rise of the Midwestern mega-breweries that ultimately came to dominate the US brewing landscape. Prohibition had dealt the industry a serious blow that many smaller, local breweries didn't survive. Reduced demand put additional pressure on those that did. Only breweries that could afford to adopt new cost-cutting technologies to achieve economies of scale would survive.

Concluding remarks followed by beer tasting.

Sunday, May 1st, there are two options:

- "Chicago's Maxwell Street", presented by Lori Grove
Meet at 10:30 am, with tour immediately after at 11:30 am

Sunday, May 1, 2011 10:30 AM

Barbara's Bookstore
1218 S. Halsted, Chicago
Maxwell Street neighborhood,    
South of Roosevelt Road on the west side of Halsted St.

The Maxwell Street Market, created by a city ordinance in 1912, transformed an early residential street into a thriving marketplace for nearly one century in Chicago.  Although its geographic boundaries shifted over time due to urban renewal and expressway construction, the informal bartering on Maxwell Street and discount shopping on Halsted Street remained constant. The Maxwell Street Market was rooted in Old World European traditions that became transplanted in an urban environment and created a distinctive marketplace known worldwide. Businesses that started there included Vienna Beef and NABISCO, fueled by 19th century entrepreneurs who pushed our nation forward with their innovation, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. In the marketplace, vendors, merchants, foods, and merchandise all contributed to the unique character Chicagoans and others called "Maxwell Street".

- Maxwell Street Market (11:15 AM until 1 PM or later)
David Hammond,
Bruce Kraig,

Maxwell Street Market moved in 2008 for the third time in its history.  Bruce Kraig will provide the market's history.  David Hammond will talk about Maxwell Street today.  Together they will comment on the Mexican offerings as we walk about and eat our way through the market.  Bring some money for food; ten dollars will easily cover food costs for one.   We will be walking with few places to sit. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

To prepare for this tour, you may want to consult Maxwell Street Market Guide 2009-10  available to read on-line or download.   Also check out Gorilla Gourmet's Maxwell Street Mexican available on streaming video: http://dchammond.com/index.php?id=7

- Primrose Farm, a living history museum circa 1933. (10 AM until 2 PM)
5N726 Crane Road, St. Charles, IL  
($40)  Limited to eight people.

Miss that down home cooking? Come out to Primrose Farm to learn the basics of wood stove cookery and combine farm-fresh ingredients with historic atmosphere.  Everyone will participate in the preparation and cooking.  You will learn how to operate and cook on a wood stove for a fully hands on class.  It should be a really good time!  Enjoy the fruits of your labor in a real, traditional dinner.

We will prepare a meal of roasted chicken, several sides and biscuits.  The butter on our biscuits we will have freshly churned.  Once the meal is completed, we will enjoy it together.  A tour of the farm is included.

Primrose Farm is a living history farm with the mission of providing interpretive experiences showing the impact of technology and social change on the lands and farm families of the Fox Valley. Amenities include a mid-19th century barn, milk house, pump house, hog house, sheep barn, chicken house, farmhouse, community garden plots, demonstration plots and farm discovery trails.


Kendall College
900 North Branch Street
Chicago, IL 60642
United States
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Education > Classes
Education > Tours
Food > Beer, Wine, Spirits
Other > Holiday

Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance
On BPT Since: Feb 22, 2008
Catherine Lambrecht

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