Animation Unlimited
Attached To You directed by Carin Brack, Mia Hulterstan, Cecilia Actis (Sweden, 2009, 9 min, Animation) We follow a mother from the time she conceives through her pregnancy and giving birth to the first years, the long nights, the divorce, shared custody and, finally, her son's teenage revolution.
Win Big directed by Martha Grant (2010, USA, 5 min, Animation) Amidst the ruins of a casino resort city, a high stakes game of blackjack between Fly and Centipede goes awry.
Two Miles From Home directed by Temris Ridge (USA, 2010, 3 min, Animation) Walking home from the bar, a scruff-looking individual contemplates his regrets in life. As he walks, his inner demons pop out of his own shadows and chase him all the way home. Written and animated to the song 'Two Miles From Home' by the Fenbi International Superstars.
Twist of Fate directed by Karen Aqua (USA, 2010, 9 min, Animation) This 35mm experimental animated film explores the transformative experience of being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. This expressionistic piece captures impressions of such an experience: upheaval, uncertainty, a sense of physical intrusion, and loss of control. Exploring this emotional landscape, the film visualizes an internal world inside the body, imagined on a cellular level.
Barko directed by Allison Craig (USA, 2010, 8 min, Animation) The story of a sad and timid circus dog who finds that happiness does not just exist inside of the big top.
Kidnap directed by Sijia Luo (2010, USA, 4 min, Animation) A little chicken is late to school, but her excuse is too wild to believe: getting kidnapped on the way to school.
Bulldozer - The Invisible Cities directed by Melissa Hung (USA, 2010, 3 min, Animation) In this stop-motion music video for indie rock band The Invisible Cities, a toy bulldozer with an affinity for whiskey and records heads out for a day at the beach with friends only to find it closed. Oh no! What to do?! As it turns out, when you're a bulldozer, anywhere can be a beach.
Eclipse directed by Liat Koren (USA, 2010, 6m, Animation) A short animation following the plight of Solar Creatures. When the sun (their source of life) disappears, two friends help one another while most of the others fight for survival.
Out on a Limb directed by Daisy Yu Chuan Lin (Taiwan, 2010, 5 min, Animation) A young bird reaching out, vulnerable to the unknown, craving freedom from the struggle, against the conformity imposed upon by the flock's expectations.
Hansel and Gretel directed by Hee Sun Kim (USA, 2010, 3 min, Animation) Hansel and Gretel is a re-interpretation of the original fairy tale story by the Grimm brothers. The film keeps the childlike quality of the original with touch of darkness.
The Mansions of Happiness directed by Vanessa Woods (2010, USA, 5 min, Animation) The Mansions of Happiness is an animated 16mm film inspired by poet Robin Ekiss' book of the same name. Drawing its title from the first board game released in the United States in 1894, The Mansions of Happiness explores the philosophical boundaries between myth & memory & between our inner & outer worlds. Comprised from original photo-rams, & hundreds of nineteenth century collage elements, the film takes us through a landscape of miniatures, dolls, toys, magic acts,& mysterious maternal passageways from Edward Hirsch's description of Ekiss' book.
Additional films to be announced.
LocationRoxie Theatre (View)
3117 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |