Special Meeting of Agile Boston: The PROFESSION of Agile Coaching
Is Agile Coaching a real profession? Would we like it to be? Most professions have clear training requirements, a code of ethics or professional conduct, and ways to verify if someone has achieved a certain level of expertise and is living up to professional standards.
Agile coaching thought leaders Michael Spayd & Lyssa Adkins offer this "fireside chat" about the profession of Agile Coaching -- an informal talk to explore alternative models from the world of professional coaching, where clear ethics and training standards, as well as a developmental certification process, creates and sustains really GREAT professionals.
In this meeting, Lyssa & Michael recollect their own extensive coach training and certification process, and the models underlying them. Topics addressed include individual & group supervision, skill drills, etc. Audience discussion and interaction is welcomed throughout to explore what it would mean (and whether it is desirable) to develop Agile Coaching into a distinct and sustainable profession.
Location150 CambridgePark Office Building, Floor 2
150 CambridgePark
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States