Ensemble Dance June Movement Workshops
Explore movement, creative expression, choreography and physicality in these workshops open to all levels.
After work-workshops will be held at Gibney Dance Center, 890 Broadway (just north of 19th street)
Workshops will be held on 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm on three Tuesdays in June...
Tuesday June 2 Tuesday June 23 Tuesday June 30
Purchase your $30.00 Workshop pass to attend all three workshops, or $10.00 for one workshop.
Even better, gather some friends, colleagues or employees and get the 5 or 10 person pack to reduce the service fees.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm-- With a warm-up/work out to start, we will focus on strength, stretching and getting the body moving. we will then shift into learning and exploring movement improvisation and choreographed sequences, led by Ensemble Dance Director, Pilar Castro Kiltz.
Explore your own body in a safe welcoming environment where creative expression rules. Experience dancing and moving with other people in an ensemble setting.
Bring friends. Bring colleagues. We will dance, and then we will socialize afterwards.
LocationGibney Dance Center (View)
890 Broadway
New Yrok, NY 10003
United States