The 2011 Oscar-Nominated Animated Shorts
Program includes: Pixar's Day & Night (USA), the story of the sparks that fly when Day, a sunny fellow, encounters Night, a stranger of distinctly darker moods; The Gruffalo (UK/Germany), the magical tale of a mouse who takes a walk through the woods in search of a nut; Let's Pollute (USA), a modern satire on how pollution is our heritage and keeps our economy growing strong; The Lost Thing (Australia/UK), about a boy who discovers a bizarre-looking creature and sets out to find a 'place' for it; and Madagascar, Carnet De Voyage (France), a journey diary that redraws the trip of a European traveller confronted with Famadihana customs (a funerary tradition of the Malagasy people in Madagascar).
LocationDowntown Independent
251 South Main St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
United States