Bizarre Noir Theatre Company Presents...
GLAM/SALOME A Rock Musical Based on the Original Text by Oscar Wilde
The Princess of Judea wants someone she can't have... and she'll do anything to get AHEAD of the competition!! Join Bizarre Noir for a gender-blasted twist on the classic play seen through a pair of rose-colored glasses and a glam rock-tinged musical score!
Starring (in alphabetical order): Jane Aquilina, Keoni Boyer, Lindsey Cline, Sarah Hill, Nancy Ellen Reinstein, Jovier Q. Sanchez, Jordan Sangalang, Siobhan Stevenson, and Camellia Tatara
Sound Design by: Ian Wehrle Choreography by: Sarah Hill Adapted and Directed by: P. William Pinto
LocationThe Royal Theatre at The Producer's Club (View)
358 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
United States
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |