Kegan Marling & Dandelion Dancetheater: CounterPULSE Artists in Residence
Kegan Marling: Jump ship mid way Grown up. It's what we become once we take on a certain degree of social responsibility for a partner (marriage), a child (parenthood) or a community (military duty). But for many queer youth, there can be many obstacles to obtaining this cultural acceptance. We grow into an understanding of how the world works with few models of how to transition from gay youth to gay adult to gay elder. Or what it even means to be a "gay adult." Jump ship mid way imagines some of the unique paths to community acceptance navigated by gay men, and some of the traps and treasures of a queer community which frequently elevates youth and which is uncertain of a need for "adulthood."
Dandelion Dancetheater: Friend Friend is an homage to Sharon Mussen, a close friend of Director Eric Kupers who passed away recently, and also an investigation of the nature of friendship. Kupers directs a highly diverse ensemble in looking inward to discover hidden longings and ambivalences about friendship. The group of collaborating performers include dance, music, theater and design artists with and without disabilitieseach making crucial contributions to the foundation of the project.
1310 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |