Mountain to Sound Presents: Lara Ruggles + Poet's Row
It's that time of year again, friends: when summer heat turns our beloved space into an oven. In other words, this will be our last Ubi Room show until fall. But man o' man, what a show it'll be!
Denver musicians, Lara Ruggles & Poet's Row, will be serenading us through an intimate evening of beautiful tunes and songwriting at it's finest. Come and feel the local love in your favorite lil underground venue, the Ubisububi Room.
Lara Ruggles + Poet's Row Thursday, May 7th Ubisububi Room (below Thin Man) 8pm doors, 9pm showtime $10 at door/advance tickets: mountaintosound.org **Limited Seating** 21+
LARA RUGGLES Lara Ruggles sang her first concert in three-part harmony & won her first poetry slam. Lara's music is intensely soulful and unafraid to acknowledge the dark place within the range of the human experience. She engages with her audiences in an unabashedly genuine way, telling raw stories and allowing her own vulnerability to be a point of connection and empowerment. In 2011 Lara released Out of an Eggshell, an EP, and in the last year she's overcome theft, toured both coasts, appeared on billboards and spotify ads, started the Give:Voice project donating a percentage of sales to youth organizations, and was nominated for the Denver Westowrd Music Awards. Lara's debut full length album Cynics & Saints will be released on Immersive Records this year.
POET'S ROW Comprised of Mickey Bakas and Emily Hobbs, Poet's Row taking its name from the cluster of Capitol Hill apartment buildings where Bakas and Hobbs met create some of the simplest and most vulnerable releases coming out of the Denver area. The duo's gossamer harmonies accompanied by an unadorned guitar gently cut a path straight to the heart creating adorable, heartfelt folk.
LocationUbisububi Room (below Thin Man Tavern) (View)
2015 E 17th Ave
Denver, CO 80206
United States