This timeless story by Ernest Thompson tells of a long-married couple in their twilight years who are facing life with humor and just a little tenderness. The salty old Norman, a dyed-in-the-wool lifetime Mainer anchors the action as he navigates the realization that life is finite. Nominated for Tony and Drama Desk Awards, the play has become a classic.
Featuring for the first time together on stage:
Arnold Meister and Romey Curtis as Norman and Ethel Thayer
Sandi O'Shaughnessy as their daughter, Chelsea
Steve Landis in dual roles as Billy Ray, Chelsea's love and Charlie the mailman who never gave up loving Chelsea
Luke Reynolds as Billy Ray, Jr.
Generations of theater goers have laughed uproariously at cantankerous Norman and ruefully recognized their own families in the Thayers, as they join them for a summer stay on the lake. Here is the sense of how moments of time can seem to pass slowly day by day, but also speed faster than counting, gone before we can grasp all their sweetness.
LocationChurch of the Pacific (View)
4520 Kapa Ka Rd.
Princeville, HI 96722
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |