Agile Success with Open Agile Adoption
This is a 2-day experiential course on creating rapid and lasting Agile adoptions across multiple teams, using the Open Agile Adoption technique as described in the book THE OPEN AGILE ADOPTION HANDBOOK. The author, Daniel Mezick, is your instructor. The class includes ten experiential exercises, books from the instructor, and 30 days of support by email after the class.
Full Details on the OPEN AGILE ADOPTION method: http://www.OpenAgileAdoption.com
What You Will Learn:
The successful Agile adoptions are powered by human engagement. Improvements in morale, productivity, quality & predictability follow. This course teaches how to achieve very high levels of engagement in your Agile adoption, leading to strong improvement in everything you are measuring.
During this course:
Participants gain an understanding of the cultural dynamics of adopting Agile
Students learn the Open Agile Adoption technique, a proven method for obtaining a rapid & lasting Agile adoption
Students learn how to rapidly implement Agile in service to creating a high-performance organization
Executives, sponsors, coaches and team members learn how to create a rapid and lasting Agile adoption
Participants learn how to apply the Open Agile Adoption method to stabilize ongoing & troubled Agile adoptions
Students learn how to customize and tailor the flexible Open Agile Adoption method to fit their organizational context and circumstances
========================================================= ALL-NEW CONTENT INCLUDES: =========================================================
* LARGE ORGS: New guidance and experience report on arranging Open Space and OAA in VERY LARGE ORGANIZATIONS
* OPEN SPACE TRAINING: New coverage of Open Space from beginning end- experiential learning in "how to arrange an OST event". Everything you need to arrange an OST event inside an organization...from end-to-end.
* LEADERSHIP STORYTELLING: New coverage of LEADERSHIP STORYTELLING from start to finish. How to coach this.
* GETTING TO YES: Specific ways to how to get to YES with executives, directors and managers.
* PRE-WORK WITH EXECUTIVES: Learn now to set up specific 3-hour experiential learning events for pre-work with the organization
* FROM DIALOGUE TO ACTION: Specific details on a big change: the 2-DAY, *action-oriented* Open Space for the OST-2 event
* NEW EXPERIENCE REPORTS: New guidance and experience report on arranging Open Space and OAA in VERY LARGE ORGANIZATIONS
========================================================= Who Should Attend: =========================================================
Progressive leaders of organizations that want to rapid and lasting success with Agile adoption;
Executives beginning to implement Agile across multiple teams;
Executives with current Agile adoptions that are having problems;
Managers, Coaches, and Team members who are participating in new or existing Agile adoption in their organizations;
Anyone leader who wants to avoid the pitfalls of implementing Agile in their organization
========================================================= Takeaways for Each Student: =========================================================
Every student receives:
The Open Agile Adoption Handbook The certificate of completion 30 days of support for your Open Agile Adoption questions after the class
The course provides everything you need to GET GOING NOW with Open Agile Adoption. Each of the takeaways are discussed below: The Open Agile Adoption Handbook
The handbook provides ABC, step-by-step guidance on how to execute an Agile Adoption using the Open Agile Adoption method. This book is written by Daniel Mezick and includes a tutorial, reference guide, Frequently Asked Questions (the "FAQ"), forms and checklist, and some of the earliest Open Agile Adoption case studies. The book is a user's manual on preparation, planning and execution of the Open Agile Adoption technique. The Certificate of Completion
Everyone who attends this course receives a certificate of completion which attests to the fact the student has successfully participated in the workshop. This course is a prerequisite that qualifies the student to attend more in-depth training in Open Agile Adoption and become certified as a practitioner if and when such a course becomes available. Thirty Days of Support
Every student receives the certificate of completion, 30 days of support after the class by email and phone. Those considering using Open Agile Adoption to implement an Agile adoption after the class can use this feature to ask questions, get answers, and receive specific guidance after the class. Success with Agile using Open Agile Adoption
Full Description: www.OpenAgileAdoption.com
========================================================= OUTLINE: ========================================================= Overview of Organizations and Social Systems
OAA is based on the social science and is a sociological approach to process change. Rather than being based on practices, OAA is based on sociological concepts. Most organizations have a substantial amount of energy just under the surface which is available for engagement in the work. The Open Agile Adoption process makes this energy available. Culture as a Game: Purpose, Norms, Feedback, Opt-in Participation
Self-organization and High Performance: Same thing
Experiential Exercise: Culture as a game Open Agile Adoption Theory =========================================================
Open Agile Adoption has foundations based in game mechanics and cultural anthropology. This section of the course explains this solid foundation.
Mandated Agile Practices: The Problems Opting-out: Disengagement & Resentment
Mandated Agile Practices: The Solutions
Mandating an Agile direction vs mandating Agile practices
Mandates & Disengagement
Invitations and Self Organizing
Learning and Stability in Agile Adoptions: The Issues
Exercise Open Agile Adoption Components =========================================================
Open Agile Adoption is a complete system for implementing a process change (such as Agile) in your organization. It contains several elements which as explained in detail in this section of the course.
Executive Summary of the Open Agile Adoption Technique =========================================================
Open Space, Invitation, and Opt-In Participation
The Open Space Meeting Format
Passage Rites
Liminality & Learning
Game Mechanics
Leadership Storytelling
Open Space and High Performance =========================================================
Self-management can release tremendous amounts of readily available energy into the work. Open Space is a self-managed meeting format that sets the stage for the process change which the people themselves will implement. Self-management is self-organization and self-organization leads to HIGH PERFORMANCE. This section explains these concepts and sets the stage for a rapid and lasting implementation.
Overview and Design of the Open Space meeting format =========================================================
The purpose of Open Space
The one law and five principles of Open Space
After the meeting: Open Space proceedings & leadership action
Results: Exploring the Open Agile Adoption Case Studies =========================================================
There are many ways to stumble when introducing process change into your organization. Open Agile Adoption is one way to introduce process change. Following the steps, knowing what to watch for, and making adjustments is essential. These case studies show what can happen and provide a narrative context for understanding the dynamics of the Open Agile Adoption technique.
Organization A: Developer and Vendor of Online Casino games (125++ people)
Organization B: Specialty Retailer Online (100++ people)
Organization C: Entertainment Industry Non-Profit (70++ people)
Organization D: Insurance company (150++ people)
Organization E: Division of a financial software and services company (90++ people)
Organization F: Software company (75++ people)
Summary of Lessons Learned From Experience =========================================================
This segment of the course summarizes the lessons learned from experience implementing Open Agile Adoption across a wide range of organizations.
What must be happen each and every time, to be successful
What to Avoid
Things to Expect
The Open Agile Adoption Toolkit =========================================================
The toolkit provides everything needed to bring the dynamics of a rapid & lasting process change. There is substantial work in preparation, implementation and inspection/adjustment. The entire process is best divided into 3 segments: pre-execution, execution, and post-execution.
A major activity thoughout the process is the ongoing education of executive leadership. The consultant or coach must attend to leaders throughout the process to be successful with the OAA process. As a consultant or an executive, you exit this class with tools that provide you with guidance and structure as you move through the process as a Sponsor or Facilitator/Coach. Everything you need is here. NOTE: These tools are available in the class only and do not appear in the Open Agile Adoption Handbook
Pre-Implementation Tools
Tool #2: Understanding the Client's Situation: New adoption, or Troubled Adoption?
Tool #3: Strategy & Talking Points Part 1 for 1st discussion with leaders
Tool #4: Strategy & Talking Points Part 2 Implementation Tools
Tool #5: Executive Commitment and Sign Off Document
Tool #6: Email and signaling scripts for the Executive (guidance and candidate scripts for each stage of the process)
Tool #7: Executive Script for Sponsoring and Opening the Open Space events
Tool #8: Guidance and steps for processing Open Space proceedings
Tool #9: Measurement Tools: Engagement Scorecard, Happiness Survey (aka Safety Score), more
Tool #10: Talking Points and suggested script for communication to employees from consultants and coaches
Implementing Open Agile Adoption: Getting Higher Performance =========================================================
This segment walks though all of the steps to implement a process changs in your organization using the Open Agile Adoption technique
Executive Summary
Using the Assessment Tools
Coaching Executives and Sponsors
Preparing for Open Agile Adoption
Executing an Open Agile Adoption
Inspecting & Adjusting
Implementing Open Agile Adoption: Maintaining High Performance =========================================================
A successful Open Agile Adoption process continues after the consultant leaves. This continuation is manifested as the installation of 2 cultural holidays on the organization's annual calendar. This section of the course explains the advantages, concepts and practical steps in getting this done.
The Culture and the Calendar
Installing the Twice-a-Year Meeting
Using Open Agile Adoption Inside an Troubled Agile Adoption
Many Agile adoptions are troubled because they were implemented as well-intentioned yet misguided "mandates of process change". In this part of the class you will learn how to use the Open Agile Adoption technique to help bring health and wellness into the picture, by raising levels of engagement.
The Assessment
The Issues
How it works
Live Simulation: Open Space =========================================================
As an executive or consultant, you must understand the basics of the Open Space meeting format and process. Open Space is a process, and the meeting is a major element. In this part of the class you gain a deeper understanding of the concepts and facilities of Open Space.
Theme and Invitation
Working with Leadership
Executing the Opening Open Space
The Middle
Executing the Closing Open Space
Summary and Class Retrospective =========================================================
This is the end of the class: a time to reflect on the experience, offer feedback on the course, and prepare for what's next in your organization.
What are you leaving with?
What worked
What can be improved
30 days of support by email for each student
Sources of more resources and tools NOTE: Everyone who attends this course receives a certificate of completion which attests to the fact the student has successfully participated in the workshop. This course is a prerequisite that qualifies the student to attend more in-depth training in Open Agile Adoption and become certified as a practitioner.
Open Agile Adoption is being utilized by some very well-known organizations and several case studies spanning 1 year will become available on or around June 2014. Open Agile Adoption Professional is a course of instruction that is available starting in March of 2014 for facilitators, coaches and consultants who wish to be certified as professional practitioners of the Open Agile Adoption method.
========================================================== GROUND RULES ========================================================== No refunds. Substitutions OK.
========================================================== PARKING AND ENTERING THE BUILDING: ==========================================================
This class is help in a classroom located on the first floor of a large office building. There is parking, internet access, and more. Here are your instructions for parking and finding the classroom:
1. Enter the gated parking lot at 150 CAMBRIDGE PARK DRIVE. 2. Press the button to speak to the attendant. 3. Tell them you are attending an all-day MEETING inside the FIRST FLOOR CLASSROOM
4. Enter the building 5. Go to the ELEVATORS and pass them turning LEFT into the FIRST FLOOR CLASSROOM
Point of Contact: DANIEL MEZICK (203) 915 7248 ==========================================================
150 Cambridgepark Drive
Cambridge , MA 02140
United States