The Experimental Film Movement in Serbia: Years of Structure (1960s-80s)
Avant-garde Cinema from Ex-Yugoslavia: 1950s-80s
May 31
(80 min, digital video, 1968-1984)
Sunday, May 31 at 07:30PM
Film as a medium of expression and film in which the structure plays the dominant role were the most widespread in the 1960s and 1970s in Belgrade. The films of Zoran Popović, Slobodan Šijan, and Ljubomir Šimunić explored diverse visual structures. Vjekoslav Nakić, Nikola Djurić, and Radoslav Vladić created films with pure structures and atmospheres. Ivan Obrenov and Bojan Jovanović, through the predominant postmodernist style of their works, again began to pose questions related to the topics of unfinished revolutions and neocolonialism. And at the beginning of the 1980s, Miroslav Bata Petrović would deal with the results of the materialist approach to film. Miodrag Miša Milošević
Screening Program
HEAD-CIRCLE (GLAVA-KRUG) Zoran Popović, Yugoslavia, 196869, 5 mins, Color, 8mm transferred to Digital video
COMPOSITION (KOMPOZICIJA) Vjekoslav Nakić, Yugoslavia, 1970, 6 mins, B&W, 16mm transferred to Digital video
THE GARDEN OF FORKING PATHS (VRT SA STAZAMA ŠTO SE RAČVAJU) Slobodan Šijan, Yugoslavia, 1971, 4 mins, 8mm transferred to Digital video
JOURNEY (PUTOVANJE) Bojana Vujanović, Yugoslavia, 1972, 2 mins, B&W/Color, 16mm transferred to Digital video
FROM ME TO YOU (OD MENE DO TEBE) Mirko Avramović, Miodrag Tarana, Yugoslavia, 1972, 4 mins, B&W, 8mm transferred to Digital video
VOWELS (SAMOGLASNICI) Nikola Đurić, Yugoslavia, 1973, 8 mins, B&W, 16mm transferred to Digital video
GERDY, THE WICKED WITCH (GERDY, ZLOČESTA VJEŠTICA) Ljubomir Šimunić, Yugoslavia, 197376, 9:30 mins, Color, 8mm transferred to Digital video
EXPIRATION (IZDAH) Ivan Obrenov, Yugoslavia, 1976, 12 mins, B&W/Color, 16mm transferred to Digital video
HOUSE (KUĆA) Radoslav Vladić, Yugoslavia, 1977, 8 mins, Color, 16mm transferred to Digital video
HOLIDAY (PRAZNIK) Bojan Jovanović, Yugoslavia, 1983, 11 mins, Color, 16mm transferred to Digital video
PURE FILM: MEMENTO OF GEFF (ČISTI FILM: SEĆANJE NA GEFF) Miroslav Bata Petrović, Yugoslavia, 1984, 5 mins, B&W, 16mm transferred to Digital video
Total running time: 80 min. All films preserved or restored by the Academic Film Center, Student City Cultural Center, Belgrade, and selected by Miodrag Miša Milošević. The films are shown digitally due to the fragility and uniqueness of the original prints.
LocationNorthwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
United States