The 2015 Cinedelphia Film Festival, PhilaMOCA, and Geekadelphia.com are proud to present a special screening of the brand new cut of the most acclaimed fan film in history RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: THE ADAPTATION with producer/star Chris Strompolos in attendance!
In 1982, in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 11-year-old Chris Strompolos asked 12-year-old Eric Zala a question: "Would you like to help me remake Raiders of the Lost Ark? I'm playing Indiana Jones." Over the next seven years, they would do just that: every shot, every line of dialogue, every stunt. They borrowed and collected costumes, convinced neighborhood kids to wear grass skirts and play natives, cast a 15-year-old as Indy's love interest, rounded up seven thousand snakes (sort of), built the Ark, the Idol, the huge boulder, found a desert in Mississippi, and melted the bad guys' faces off.
Yet one thing remained incomplete: The Flying Wing Scene, in which Indy faces off against a hulking bald Nazi around a moving airplane. And it would have remained that way, if not for a chance screening of their remake by Harry Knowles. That propelled Chris and Eric's childhood dream to a cult classic, and earned the praise of Raiders director Steven Spielberg, who called it "the greatest bit of flattery that George [Lucas] and I have ever received." Now, ten years after that big break and 32 years after they started shooting, Chris and Eric have completed their vision. The Cinedelphia Film Festival is proud to host the first Philadelphia screening of the now-completed Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation, in only its second screening anywhere!
Co-presented by Geekadelphia.com.
Friday, April 17, 2015 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK: THE ADAPTATION Producer/star Chris Strompolos in attendance! Doors 7, Movie 7:30 $10 advance, $12 door No refunds or exchanges.
Cinedelphia Film Festival April 9 25, 2015 http://www.cinedelphiafilmfestival.com
PhilaMOCA 531 N. 12th Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 http://www.philamoca.org
531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
United States