Are you excited about adopting Agile? Have you put in place the roles, artifacts, meetings, tools, lingo, and teams? Are you then realizing the promised benefits happy customers, quality product, solid teams, faster releases?
Would you honestly answer "yes"? Or would your answer really be "only some of the benefits," "inconsistently," or "we did, initially"? If so, you're not alone. In most organizations, these results are due to an Agile implementation that is mechanical, rigid, and driven by tools and so-called "best practices." But Agile is much more than a process; it's first and foremost a mind-set that permeates your actions. Without the mind-set, you cannot achieve and sustain great results.
In this talk, Gil Broza will guide you through the values, beliefs, and principles that define Agile thinking. You'll learn how to choose Agile-minded methods, process, and practices for your needs and context. And you'll understand deeply what makes Agile work, so you can support mindful implementation and the necessary culture change.
NUANCE CORPORATION, 1 Wayside Road Burlington, MA 01803
Tickets (for all events, regardless of ticket price) are transferable; if you cannot make it to the event you can send a friend in your place. NOTE: Registering is an explicit commitment to attend. PLEASE do not register casually. Doing so prevents others who sincerely want to attend from doing so, and also overstates food & beverage counts. Registering casually does everyone a serious disservice. Your registration is an explicit commitment to attend.
=================================================== General Ground Rules and Conditions for Registration and Attendance: ===================================================
Tickets (for all events, regardless of ticket price) are transferable; if you cannot make it to the event you can send a friend in your place. NOTE: Registering is an explicit commitment to attend. PLEASE do not register casually. Doing so prevents others who sincerely want to attend from doing so, and also overstates food & beverage counts. Registering casually does everyone a serious disservice. Your registration is an explicit commitment to attend. Anyone authorized by the event promoter to attend this event is subject to the following Ground Rules as a condition of attendance: There are no refunds for paid events. No audio or video recording permitted. Recording of video and/or audio is grounds for revoking your authorization to attend. You may take pictures. You are required to show up ready to have loads of FUN and engage in lots of LEARNING with lots of other very curious, fun-loving people. By purchasing a ticket and/or attending this meeting (hereafter the Event), you are explicitly authorizing us to capture pictures, video, and audio recordings of your image and voice and to use these recordings in promotion of our events. By purchasing a ticket and/or attending the Event, you are agreeing explicitly to indemnify and hold harmless the following parties from any and all claims, including but not limited to any loss, damage, or legal liability related to attendance: a) the venue provider, b) the event promoters, c) anyone and everyone else even remotely associated with the execution of the Event event in any way, whatsoever. The Event promoter reserves the right to refuse and/or revoke admittance to anyone at any time, subject only to refunding within 30 days any dollar price paid for said admittance.
LocationNuance Corp (Office Bulding)
Burlington, MA 01803
United States