City Limits: Three unique approaches to bike travel...with Willie Weir
Don't have the time or money to do that dream bike trip across the country? Think small and travel big.
Most bike journeys begin by escaping the urban congestion and heading out into the country. But what if you never left the city?
Hard won gains toward bicycle friendly cities in North America have opened up all kinds of possibilities for amazing bike trips. Willie has explored three different styles of bike travel in three great locales: Portland, Minneapolis and Montreal.
By the time he's finished, Willie will have you dreaming of all kinds of bike trips you'd never imagined before.
BONUS FEATURE: Willie will also share the story of possibly the most unique bike journey he's ever taken. It all began with an email from a stranger.
LocationCascade Bicycling Center (View)
7787 62nd Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
United States