A French rendition of a biting, bitter, ferocious, and farcical English Restoration comedy. -- Can harmony triumph over provocation when a husband no longer loves his wife; a wife does not yet love her lover; a coquette woos a misogynist; a confirmed bachelor meets love at first sight; servants plot against their masters; and masters go slumming? -- A world premiere - ALL PERFORMANCES IN FRENCH -- Freely adapted into French from Sir John Vanbrugh's "The Provoked Wife" (1697) and directed by Roland David Valayre. With Michel Gasquy, Pierre-Yves Gouret, Cecile Lejeune, Francoise Lejeune, Benoit Levet, Marion Lovinger, Vincent Madiot, Thierry Rosset and Mireille Sagne. A GenerationTheatre presentation.
LocationStudio 250 @ Off-Market Theaters
965 Mission Street, btw 5th and 6th
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |