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Brown Paper Tickets API v2.0 - View Sub Account
URL: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/api2/viewsubaccount
Description: This feed returns a list of details relative to the given sub account or, if none supplied, all subaccounts.
id - Developer ID - Available from your Developer Status page.
account - Client Login Name - This account must be associated with your Developer Account.
subaccount_login (Optional) - The sub account's unique tracking ID. If supplied, the output will be limited to this single sub account.
Outputs: Returns a REST-Compliant XML feed containing the following variables:

c_id - This the unique tracking ID given to all sub accounts.
s_client_name - The sub account's login name
s_fname - The sub account's first name
s_lname - The sub account's last name
s_address - Street address
s_city - Address city
s_state - Address state
s_zip - Address postal code
s_country - Address country
s_phone - Account primary phone number
s_email - Account primary email address
s_name_for_checks - Name to be printed on checks paid to account
s_tax_id - Tax id or Social Security number.
s_printer - Listing of printer ids available to this sub account. Listing may have multiple s_printer entries. Additional information on printers is available in the viewprinters feed.
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