id |
- |
Developer ID - Available from your Developer Status page. |
account |
- |
Client Login Name - This account must be associated with your Developer Account. |
event_id |
- |
Brown Paper Tickets' unique event tracking number. The event's event_id is returned when creating a new event and can also be found using the Event List feed. |
begin_time |
- |
This is the start date and time for the date. This should be in the format "MON-DD-YYYY 24:00". |
end_time |
- |
This is the end date and time for the date. This should be in the format "MON-DD-YYYY 24:00". |
sales_end |
- |
This is the day and time at which sales will end for this date. This should be in the format "MON-DD-YYYY 24:00". It is recommended that sales end no more than 24 hours and no less than 2 hours before the event's begin_time. |
max_sales |
- |
This is the quantity of tickets available for this date. Use 0 for unlimited sales. |
Optional |
physical |
- |
Toggles the availability of physical shipped tickets. Values may be "t" or "f". Defaults to "t". (Optional) |
willcall |
- |
Toggles the availability of willcall tickets. Values may be "t" or "f". Defaults to "t". (Optional) |
pah |
- |
Toggles the availability of print-at-home tickets. Values may be "t" or "f". Defaults to "f". (Optional) |
mobile |
- |
Toggles the availability of mobile delivery tickets. Values may be "t" or "f". Defaults to "f". (Optional) |
online |
- |
Toggles the availability of online access tickets. Values may be "t" or "f". Defaults to "f". (Optional) |