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Brown Paper Tickets API v1.0 - Order List
URL: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/api/orderlist.rss
Description: This feed returns a list of orders for a given event.
l - Login name for your Brown Paper Tickets account.
p - Password for your Brown Paper Tickets account.
e_number - Brown Paper Tickets' unique event tracking number. The event's e_number can be found in the General Sales feed.
Outputs: Returns an RSS 2.0 feed containing the following variables:

bpt:order_time - This is the date and time when the order was initiated.
bpt:date_id - Brown Paper Tickets' unique date tracking ID.
bpt:price_id - Brown Paper Tickets' unique price tracking ID.
bpt:quantity - The quantity of tickets in this order.
bpt:fname - The first name of the ticket buyer.
bpt:lname - The last name of the ticket buyer.
bpt:address - The address of the ticket buyer.
bpt:city - The city of the ticket buyer.
bpt:state - The state of the ticket buyer.
bpt:zip - The zip of the ticket buyer.
bpt:country - The country of the ticket buyer.
bpt:email - The email of the ticket buyer.
bpt:phone - The phone number of the ticket buyer.
bpt:cc - The credit card number of the ticket buyer. All but the last four digits will be removed.
bpt:shipping_method - The type of tickets the ticket buyer purchased. Values include "Physical" and "Will Call".
bpt:order_notes - Any notes that the ticket buyer, the call center, or the producer have added to this order.
bpt:ticket_number:COUNTER - For physical tickets, each ticket has a ticket number unique to the event. Because more than one ticket may be listed, a COUNTER variable is listed with the ticket_number. This COUNTER variable is unique only for this feed.
bpt:section:COUNTER - For assigned seats, each ticket has a section assigned to it. Because more than one ticket may be listed, a COUNTER variable is listed with the section. This COUNTER variable is unique only for this feed.
bpt:row:COUNTER - For assigned seats, each ticket has a row assigned to it. Because more than one ticket may be listed, a COUNTER variable is listed with the row. This COUNTER variable is unique only for this feed.
bpt:seat:COUNTER - For assigned seats, each ticket has a seat assigned to it. Because more than one ticket may be listed, a COUNTER variable is listed with the seat. This COUNTER variable is unique only for this feed.
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