Wisdom of the Elders

Portland, OR

Wisdom of the Elders, Inc. was founded in 1993 by the late Martin High Bear (Lakota) and Rose High Bear (Deg Hitan Dine - Alaskan Athabascan).

The Northwest Indian Storytellers Association was formed in 2005, and holds an annual Northwest Indian Storytellers Festival and Emerging Tribal Storyteller Workshop.

This year marks the ninth season of traditional storytelling in the Pacific Northwest. With friends and relatives joining us from around the region, generations come together to listen to and learn from one another, the craft of traditional storytelling woven into each day.

Tickets for individual evening storytelling events are $20.

Sliding scale $5-$20 tickets available at the door, with no one turned away for lack of funds.

Wisdom of the Elders is located in Portland, Oregon.


I have no upcoming events.

Wisdom of the Elders

3203 SE 109th Ave
Portland, OR 97266


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