810 W. Lake St., Mpls Open 8 am-2am daily

Restaurant/Bowling (612) 825-3737 Theater (612) 825-8949

Johnny Sincerelys Extraordinary Amateur Night 1-15
Bryant Lake Bowl Cabaret Theater
Minneapolis, MN
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Johnny Sincerely believes in you. He knows you're weird, and he welcomes you. He knows your talents are odd, and he encourages them. He sees the flicker in your eye that shines brightest when you think about being on stage, and he wants to put you there!

Local troubador/impesario/compére Johnny Sincerely brings his roguish charm and hopeless romanticism to the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater, in hopes of unearthing fellow weirdo performance artists of the Twin Cities. There will be prizes, merriment, the full menu and bar of Bryant Lake Bowl, sweaty palms, guest judges, tears of joy, sorrow and relief, and an after-party on lane 4.

Johnny Sincerely's Extraordinary Amateur Night doesn't believe in the word "best" when it comes to art. We will offer prizes to a few contestants each show, but they will be based on a rotating group of categories such as "Most Colorful", "Most Calories Burned", and the always coveted "What The F*** Was That Award". Often times Johnny will make up a category or two on the spot because he is a wild and untamable host who plays by his own rules.

Walk-in performers will be welcomed, however, there is an online sign-up sheet that will get first priority to a slot. If you know you would like to perform, please sign up in advance! It will give us a chance to pace the show and make sure all tech requirements go smoothly.

To sign up for Johnny Sincerelys Extraordinary Amateur Night:
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084facaf2ba3f58-extraordinaryPeople can also email me at johnnysincerely.com to book a slot and I will update signup genius.

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Tickets may still be available and if so, they will be released at door time, which is 6:00pm. We don't offer same-day reservations over the phone or online, but you are welcome to call for availability. If you would like to purchase a ticket, please come to the box office any time between 6:00pm and showtime. If you have additional questions, please call 612-825-8949.


Bryant Lake Bowl Cabaret Theater (View)
810 W Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55408
United States



Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


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