Chasing the Present
Synopsis: Director Mark Waters' visually stunning documentary follows James Sebastiano, a materially successful young man, as he engages in a perpetual battle against anxiety. During this life-changing journey James explores why a person who seemingly has it all, can still suffer from debilitating panic attacks in the hope that he can learn how to finally break free from his crippling anxiety. On a worldwide journey of self discovery from the streets of New York, to the stillness of the Ganges, and deep into the jungles of Peru, he unexpectedly uncovers deep truths about who and what he is. Log Line: On a worldwide journey of self discovery, a materially wealthy man explores why a person who seemingly has it all, can still suffer from debilitating panic attacks, uncovering deep truths about who and what we are.
Location121 Washington Street (View)
121 Washington Street
Providence, RI 02903
United States
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |