
Morris Memorial
Chatham, NY
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Online sales have ended. Tickets may still be available at our Box Office at the Tracy Memorial, Main Street, Chatham.


Set in the suburbs of New Jersey, three teenage girls doll themselves up to the max for a night out on the town. As the evening unfolds, things go terribly wrong.  Steven Strauss, the young director who showed A.C.U. at FilmColumbia last year, here reveals a real skill with actors as he orchestrates their adventures in a totally naturalistic style, making for a troubling and compelling story. 52min Not Rated

Short: It Was My City - A world premiere from Iranian director Tina Pakravan,  of a city of people living their lives when catastrophe strikes.  8 min  Iranian subtitles

Short: As We Pass By (Va Migozarium) - Dir: Parisa Gorgin.  Woman's abduction while others go on their daily errands.  2 1/2 min   Iranian subtitles


Morris Memorial (View)
10 Park Row
Chatham, NY 12037
United States
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Owner: FilmColumbia 2013
On BPT Since: Sep 07, 2011