Rhode Island International Film Festival 2016

2016 ScriptBiz (17th Edition)
The Rhode Island Foundation
Providence, RI
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2016 ScriptBiz (17th Edition)
ScriptBiz Program: 2016 Schedule
9:00 a.m.  Welcome to ScriptBiz / What are you working on?

Andrew Lund of Hunter College will welcome ScriptBiz attendees and begin a conversation about questions that need to be answered about scriptwriting, current projects, and the areas of expertise represented in the room.

Focus on the Script: Journey from Short to Feature

Writing an Award-Winning Film

What makes a great script from a business perspective?
Tatiana Siegel: The Hollywood Reporter
(with Chris Sparling)

How to make a living as a screenwriter.
Chris Sparling (with Tatiana Siegel)

Writing Emerging Narratives: Hybrid, Web, VR
Art Jones
Ramin Serry
Annie Berman
Moderator: Michelle Meek: NewEnglandFilm.com

Visualizing your Story
John Inwood (with Ramin Serry)

Pitch your story:
John Inwood: Cinematographer/Director
Art Jones
Ramin Serry
Michelle Meek
Alfred Thomas Catalfo



The Rhode Island Foundation (View)
1 Union Station
Providence, RI 02903
United States
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Owner: Flickers
On BPT Since: Jul 21, 2009
Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival