
Artist, The
Crandell Theatre
Chatham, NY
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Artist, The
Director Michael Hazanavicius has pulled off a small miracle: a lustrous black and white film set in the silent era that is both a charming homage to the era of Charlie Chaplin, D.W. Griffith, and Buster Keaton, as well as a gripping story on its own.  Michel Dujardin plays a vainglorious star of silent swashbucklers. Peppy, a pretty fan catches his eye, and he gives her a small part in his next movie.  But when the cigar chomping studio boss, played by a pitch perfect John Goodman, gives him a preview of a talkie, he remains blind to the handwriting on the wall.  Tempting fate, the actor incautiously spends his own money to produce his next movie, with predictable results.  He plunges into bankruptcy, his wife leaves him, and even his chauffeur, played by the wonderful James Cromwell, jumps ship.  But Peppy, whose career has taken off just as his declines, remains true.  Actor Jean Dujardin won Best Actor at Cannes.  Played the New York Film Festival.


Crandell Theatre (View)
48 Main Street
Chatham, NY 12037
United States
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Owner: FilmColumbia 2013
On BPT Since: Sep 07, 2011