Rhode Island International Film Festival 2016

Sappho's Fire
Bell Street Chapel Theatre
Providence, RI
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Sappho's Fire
By following the stories of older lesbians who live in New
England, viewers become aware of the deep-seated and often
impenetrable fears of growing older without the certainties of
family support or sufficient economical investment to obtain an
appropriate retirement. What slowly unravels is the discovery that
older lesbians have contested, and even defied, this judgment of
being labeled 'old.' Viewers discover that they also can stomp on
old age by facing it squarely and honestly and shouting' I'm still
alive' like so many of the women featured in the documentary.


Bell Street Chapel Theatre
5 Bell Street
Providence, RI 02903
United States
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Owner: Flickers
On BPT Since: Jul 21, 2009