The Emerald Tablet - Alchemical Distilation Workshop with Brian Cotnoir
Date: Saturday June 20th Time: 12pm to 6pm Admission: $100
The morning session, after a review of alchemical theory, will discuss and demonstrate some of the Alexandrian alchemical practices as it relates to the Emerald Tablet. Having this grounding we'll move to Western alchemy.
The afternoon session will deepen the theory of the morning by considering the quintessence or "fifth essence". The alchemical theory of John of Rupescissa holds that this very subtle substance permeates all creation. We will examine Rupescissa's De Quinta Essentia (translations of the relevant sections will be given out), discuss its relation to the Emerald Tablet, and consider ways the quintessence can be extracted from various substances such as wine and gold.
Brian Cotnoir is an alchemist, artist and award-winning filmmaker. Author of The Weiser Concise Guide to Alchemy, the Emerald Tablet, and Alchemical Meditations, he is currently writing his next book, Alchemy: The Poetry of Matter. He has presented seminars and workshops around the world on various aspects of the art.
A Thief's Guide to Alchemy is an occasional series of talks and workshops examining various aspects of alchemy. The series provides a quick over view and some of the tools needed to study the theory and practice of alchemy through primary sources, the laboratory, and the studio.
This incarnation of the series will focus on the Emerald Tablet. The Emerald Tablet, famous for its declaration "as above, so below," is a cornerstone text of alchemy. A new translation from the oldest known version of the Emerald Tablet will be used to introduce the fundamentals of alchemy. Whether an absolute beginner or an experienced practitioner, each will find something useful for their work. Each of the talks and workshop can stand on its own but taken as a whole the talks build on each other and culminate with the workshop.
The Morbid Anatomy Museum is a non-profit institution. We survive on your donations. If you like what we do and want to support us, please consider making a donation along with your ticket price!
LocationMorbid Anatomy Museum (View)
424 A Third Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
United States