Luscious Landscaping with Fruits: A Lecture & Garden Tour with Dr. Lee Reich
LUSCIOUS LANDSCAPING -- WITH FRUITS! Luscious landscaping is the way to beautify your grounds and to put (very) local, healthful, flavorful food on the table.
Lee's lecture will highlight: -Landscape features -- fall color, beautiful flowers, nice bark -- of fruiting plants that are on a par with landscape features of strictly ornamental plants, -Landscape uses -- groundcover, specimen shrub, hedge -- that can be fulfilled by fruiting plants, and -The best fruiting landscape plants in terms of low maintenance, pest resistance, ornamental assets, and good flavor.
Following the lecture, we will explore the gardens at Magnuson Park. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase Dr. Reich's book and ask him their burning fruit tree questions!
Members of sponsoring organizations, City Fruit, Bradner Gardens, Plant Amnesty, Seattle Fruit Tree Society, and the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals receive a 25 percent discount. Email your organization to receive the password.
LocationMagnuson Park, Garden Room (View)
7400 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
United States