Thursday, May 22, 2014 Doors 7:30, Show at 8:00 EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! LIVE PhilaMOCA / 531 N. 12th Street $12, no refunds or exchanges
The video-remixing Gods at Everything Is Terrible! are back and have outdone themselves yet again! The psychedelic soldiers of the discarded video realm are back with not one, but two new movies: Comic Relief Zero! and Everything Is Terrible! Does The Hip-Hop!, plus a pile of their favorite, rarely seen gems! This will be insane!
So, what's the deal with Comic Relief Zero!? Sit down and shut up so we can tell you! But seriously folks, those dumb-faced, giggle-grabbin' goofs at EIT! are dishing out a stand-up comedy special, which is the opposite of special! CR0 features today's hottest ventriloquists, racists, prop comics, sexists, impersonators, homophobes, and talk show hosts standing and talking at the same time! Are you oppressed and underrepresented in society? Well then, watch out! Let's pull back the banana peel and take a head-first descent into the brick wall of our own mind! Wicka-wicka-what, you want more?! OK, 2 prove they're still 'with it' and 'urban,' EIT! took the entire history of co-opted corporate rap, and bashed it together into one continuous mix that will please your earballs and eyelobes. Can we B real 4 a sec? Everyone knows that anyone can rap, but it is best when performed by whyte people promoting reasonably-priced hammed-burgers. You know, kids rappin' 'bout stamps, and C-3P0 spittin' rhymes about space! After EIT! Does The Hip-Hop!, you'll never listen to music again! For various reasons! ...And it don't stop! Word!
Everything Is Terrible! Live! is ashamed to bring you a jam-packed evening featuring a peak at Comic Relief Zero!, EIT! Does The Hip-Hop!, and the dopest shorts from their endless archive. The fur-covered, glitter-smothered gang from EIT! will bring all the costumed merriment that has made EIT! live shows famous! You'll be laughing all the way down to the deepest, darkest depths of your consciousness!
http://everythingisterrible.com http://www.philamoca.org
LocationPhilaMOCA (View)
531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
United States