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24th Annual Conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
Hilton Anatole
Dallas, TX
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The 24th annual conference of the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies takes place from Sunday, July 20 through Tuesday, July 22, 2014, at the Hilton Anatole, in Dallas, Texas.

Keynote speakers are Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, author of more than 45 books of fiction, poetry and essays, including Jewish mysticism and Converso themes, and Ilan Stavans, author of many books on Hispanic culture and Jewish topics. Keynote speakers are Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Mexican novelist and poet of Sephardic origin, whose work received prestigious literary awards such as the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; and Ilan Stavans, Lewis-Sebring Professor of Latin American and Latino Culture at Amherst College, a foremost scholar of Hispano Literature.  

Stavans will deliver the annual Martin Sosin Address to Advance the Crypto Judaic Arts.  He has taught courses on a wide array of topics such as Spanglish, modern American poetry, Latin music, popular culture in Hispanic America, world Jewish writers, the cultural history of the Spanish language, Jewish-Hispanic relations, and U.S.-Latino culture.

Doreen Carvajal, author of The Forgetting River and journalist for the International New York Times (Paris), whose presentation is funded by the Martin Sosin-Stratton-Pettit grant, will share the tracing of her family's history to Segovia, Spain, in the Inquisition-era prosecution of conversos. The conference offers presentations by members of the crypto-Jewish community, arts displays, music performances and scholarly presentations. The Judy Frankel Memorial Concert will feature an artist whose music has been influenced by the Converso experience. A pre-conference genealogy workshop will be conducted by genealogists Schelly Talalay Dardashti, Genie Milgrom and Bennett Greenspan with four sessions (Sephardic resources, Sephardic genealogy, Converso research techniques and DNA Testing).

4th version of conference program: current as of 20 May 2014

24rd Annual Conference of Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas
July 20-22, 2014
Conference Program

Sunday, July 20th

9:00-11:30 am - Pre-Conference Board Meeting

11:30 am-12:00 pm - Conference Registration

12:00-3:45 pm - Pre-Conference Genealogy Workshop
A pre-conference genealogy workshop will be conducted by genealogists Schelly Talalay Dardashti, Genie Milgrom and Bennett Greenspan with four sessions (Sephardic resources, Sephardic genealogy, Converso research techniques and DNA Testing).

3:45-4:00 pm - Break and Conference Registration

4:00-5:30 pm - Panel 1: Crypto-Judaism and Conversos during the Early Modern Period
Speaker: Ana Schaposchnik. "Alleged Crypto-Jews in a Colonial Setting (Peru, 1600s)"
Speaker: Reid Heller. "Song from a Withered Limb: Las Posadas and the Converso Crisis of the Sixteenth Century"
Speaker: Ron Duncan Hart. "The Dutch, Hidden Jews, and the Grand Conspiracy"

5:30-5:45 pm - Break

5:45-6:45 pm - Screening of Trees Cry for Rain (Arvoles Yoran Por Luvias): A Sephardic Journey
Q & A with Bonnie Burt (film's director) and Rachel Amado
Bortnick (narrator)

6:45-7:00 pm - Break

7:00-8:15 pm - Buffet dinner and Welcoming Remarks by SCJS President Roger Martínez

8:15-9:30 pm - Keynote Address
Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, Universidad Autónoma de México. "Crypto Judaism: Memory, Tradition, and Transgression"

Monday, July 21st

7:30-8:45 am - Breakfast buffet

8:45-9:00 am - Monday Morning Welcome by Matthew Warshawsky

9:00-10:30 am -

Panel 2A: Genealogical Perspectives
Speaker: Genie Milgrom. "In Search of My Roots"
Speaker: Schelly Talalay Dardashti. "Tarrega: Murder, Mayhem, and a Community's Reconstruction "
Speaker: Bennett Greenspan. "How DNA Testing Can Tell You More about Your Ancestry Than You Bargained For"

Panel 2B: Personal Narratives about Crypto-Judaism (1)
Speaker: Yliana Miller Garza. "From Huelva to Nuevo León: The Footprints of the Alonsos"
Speaker: Andrew V. Rapoza. "Root and Fruit: Finding Crypto-Jews at Both Ends of the Family Tree"
Speaker: Sadie Day Pasha. "Cohen of Georgetown County, South Carolina, 1760-1960: A Family History of Secret Jews and Descendants in America"

10:30-10:45 am - Break

10:45 am-12:15 pm - Panel 3: Crypto-Judaism in Texas
Chair: Dolores Sloan
Speaker: Peter Tarlow. "Insights into Crypto-Jewish Communities: The Texas and Latin American Experience"
Speaker: Luis Rey. "Journey to My Jewish Roots"
Speaker: Xico Roberto Garcia. "The Crypto-Jews of Corpus Christi"

12:15-1:30 pm - Lunch
Stephanie Cohen. Recital of Sephardic songs*

1:30-2:45 pm - Second Annual Martin Sosin Address to Advance Scholarship about the Crypto-Judaic Arts**
Ilan Stavans, Amherst College: "The Crypto-Jew as Metaphor"

2:45-3:00 pm: - Break

3:00-4:30 pm -

Panel 4A: Personal Narratives about Crypto-Judaism (2)
Speaker: Keith A. Chavez. "Crypto-Jew: Conspiracy"
Speaker: Leonel A. Chevez Fuentes. "The Eastern Salvadorian Sephardim and the Alliance with the Lenca High Clan: An Oral Chronicle Passed Down by Grandparents of Sephardic Heritage"
Speaker: Shylah Pacheco Hamilton. "Candles in the Closet: Beyond Syncretism to Liberation in Crypto-Jewish Women's Ritual Traditions"

Panel 4B: Questions of Jewish Identity in Spain and the Former New Spain
Speaker: Marie-Theresa Hernandez. "Conflicted Identities: Claiming Judaism Centuries after Conversion to Catholicism"
Speaker: Matthew Warshawsky. "The Possibility and Modernity of a Converso Worldview in Don Quixote"

4:45-5:00 pm - Break

5:00-6:45 pm: Panel 5: Recovering (Crypto-)Jewish Identity Today
Speaker: Doreen Carvajal (30 minutes)* - The Power of the Family Tree: Searching for Identity, Home, and a Missing Menorah"
Speaker : Hector Galan (55 minutes)* - "Capturing Lost and Untold Stories on Film" (20 minutes for questions)

6:45-7:00 pm - Break

7:00-8:00 pm - Dinner and annual meeting

8:15-9:30 pm -  Judy Frankel Memorial Concert featuring Los Moralez Boyz*

Tuesday, July 22nd

9:00-10:30 am -

Panel 6A: Crypto-Jews in Places Far and Near, Real and Imagined
Speaker: Corinne Joy Brown. "Crypto-Jewish Roots of the American Cowboy"
Speaker: Leonard Stein. "The Wilderness Within: The Role of the Desert in Crypto-Jewish Fiction"
Speaker: Vanessa Paloma. "Crypto-Judaism and Return in Contemporary Morocco"

Panel 6B: Sephardim and the Question of Spanish Citizenship during the Twenty-First Century
Chair: Stan Hordes
Speaker: Steven Kramer. "Return of the Sephardim"
Speakers: Chip Espinoza and Cholene Espinoza. "The Quest to Explore--the Yearning for Home--A Juxtaposition Ingrained in the Genetic and Cultural Memory of the Crypto-Jews of Spain"

10:45 am -12:00 pm

Panel 7A: Sephardic Identity and Art
Speaker: Gloria Abella Ballen. "Mysticism and Meaning in the Hebrew Alphabet in the Sephardic Tradition"
Speaker: Pamela Patton.* "Art of Estrangement: Jews, Christians, and Alienation in the Iberian 'Reconquest'"
Speaker: Joe Lovett. "Children of the Inquisition: Their Stories Can Now Be Told"

Panel 7B: Religious Perspectives
Speaker: Juan Bejarano Gutiérrez. "Complicated Identities: Samaritans and Conversos in Halakhah"
Speaker: David Ben Yosef. "Sabbateanism and the Marrano Experience"

* Made possible by a grant from the Martin Sosin-Stratton-Petit Foundation.
**Made possible by a grant from the Stratton-Petit Foundation.


Do you require Kosher, vegetarian/vegan or other meals? You must let us know when you register, so we may make arrangements. The latest date we can accept special meal requirements is July 13, 2014.


Full registration fees include complete meals and beverage service. The full conference includes Sunday dinner; Monday breakfast buffet, lunch and dinner; and Tuesday buffet breakfast. Partial registration is available for those who cannot attend the entire conference. Vendors (sales of art, jewelry, or other) may reserve a sales table with their registration.

Prior to the conference, a genealogy workshop will be held from noon-4pm, on Sunday, July 20, and is included with full and partial registrations. To register for the workshop only, the charge is $20.


Full Registration  Advance Discount - Through June 2, 2014 - $210 pp

Full Registration  From June 3, 2014 until the opening of the conference -$250 pp

Partial Registration - Monday (all meals) and Tuesday (breakfast) - $180 pp                        (Excludes Sunday dinner and genealogy workshop )

Pre-Conference Genealogy Workshop - $35 pp (Workshop is free with a full registration)

Vendor registration - $75 per table


Pay via Brown Paper Tickets using PayPal - on this site
Pay via PayPal at http://www.cyptojews.com
Prefer to send a check? Send registration information and check (payable to SCJS) to
SCJS, 333 Washington Blvd. #336, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292


The hotel rate is for $105 (single or double) per night. The rate is good for three nights before the conference through three nights after the conference. Use group code CJS, if calling the hotel. To book online, https://resweb.passkey.com/go/2014SocietyforCJStudies


Become a new member or renew your membership to the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies. Select and add the desired membership fee to your payment. Membership includes HaLapid - our bi-annual publication and the annual edition of the Journal of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Crypto Jews.

Annual membership dues:

Student - $10
Individual - $45 (Standard membership)
Senior - $40
Institutional - $50
Sustaining - $100
Patron - $1,000

For more information and continual updates, go to http://cryptojews.com

Calling All Authors Attending the SCJS Conference in Dallas. Please note: two separate time slots will soon be available  when you can personally sell and sign your books. If you are interested and want more information, contact Genie Milgrom at hatul72@aol.com  at your soonest convenience.
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Thank you for attending the 2014 Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies Conference! We hope to see you in next year and please visit our website at www.cryptojews.com


Hilton Anatole (View)
2201 N Stemmons Fwy
Dallas, TX 75207
United States


Arts > Literary
Education > Conventions

Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


On BPT Since: Apr 20, 2013
Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies

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