What is Brave Love?
There is a handful of us who attended a growing movement in November that began in a garage in Huntington Beach last June. We were all captivated by the true heart of Jesus for women in this hour and felt compelled to bring this experience back home, to Seattle where Jesus is irrefutably moving!
Our simple desire is to create women messengers who not only carry the message of the love of Jesus but also activate others into being "love bearers." Women who can lead others out of the "endless distraction of me" to the one who lives to love Jesus and out of that others. These are women through which entire communities can be defined by because of the depth of love they activate in others.
Brave: Love is about LOVE IN ACTION. Love that knows no limits. Where risk is required, but the greatest rewards are received. Real love that leads to justice for the oppressed. For the stranger. To love the one that can give absolutely nothing in return.
As women, we have a tremendous capacity to love well. Compassion. Mercy. Grace. Gentleness. They mark us, but there's more. Coupled with courageous inclusion and bold sacrifice and suddenly you'll see revolutionary acts of devotion and affection that lead to radical transformation. Our goal is to spark a love revolution that will sweep our homes, communities and nation, multiplying a message of One Love that leads to unprecedented unity and unprecedented impact.
In order to engage the lost we are at a crossroad of new decisions. It will take brave love to be the hands and feet of Jesus in response to the deterioration we all are seeing across culture. We must re-invigorate the "mother's heart" and all that those two words imply. We must be both messengers and actions. Activated love -- the "now" woman who organizes a city unto love. It takes brave love and new choices to collaborate with others. It takes joint sacrifice or else just some are the hands and feet and others are watching. You may be the modern day Renaissance woman who feels the new trends emerging, who infuses confidence into other women to step into the now of activated love. No matter your identity, the calling is love. No matter your design, the cry of our hearts is simply one thing...Love.
Will you come and be trained and train others to be both the living message and the messenger to a generation that is starving to see Jesus in your hands and feet?
Join us in the New Year on January 11th, 9am-9pm and January 12th, 9am-4pm. With expectant hearts to kick off Brave Love in Seattle!
Saturday Jan 11, 2014 9:00 AM - Sunday Jan 12, 2014 4:00 PM | $75.00 |
LocationKitsy Gregory's home
16707 16th Avenue NW
Shoreline, WA 98177
United States
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |