Capoeira Malês GTA Batizado 2013
Grupo Capoeira Malês ("Malays") - G.T.A. is very proud to welcome all capoeiristas to come and share our love for this beautiful art as we bring guests together from Canada, the United States and Brasil to congratulate Mestre Lua on his 30 years of dedication to Capoeira September 12-14.
Mestre Lua's Formatura will take place in Seattle this August and he will return as the first Mestre to host his own batizado in Toronto!
2013 also marks Mestre Lua's 10th year leading his grupo here in Toronto! This is going to be a spectacular event, not to be missed!
Invited guests:
Mestre Curisco - Malês Seattle
Mestre Lobão - Besouro Manganga Brasil Mestre Lua - Malês GTA Mestre Peninha - Equipe Montreal Contra Mestre Leitão - Candeias Montreal Contra Mestre Gafanhoto - Mandinga California Professor Budoy - CDO Montreal Instrutor Pirata - Equipe Montreal Instrutor Mortal - Capoeira Brasil Montreal Instrutor Soquete - Sinha Bahia Toronto Instrutor Falcão - Malês GTA Instrutora Pantera - Malês GTA Instrutor Camarão - Malês GTA Instrutor Camaleão - Sul da Bahia Barrie Monitor Saci - Camará Toronto
NOTE: All tickets include workshops, batizado, and t-shirt. 13% HST will be added at checkout.
LocationEast West Hapkido
183 Geary Ave
Toronto, ON M6H4A5