The Hunter Kelly Comedy Experience presents...
Capone, the Gangster of Comedy is currently touring with the Shaquille O' Neill All Star Comedy Jam, but took time out to come share in the Hunter Kelly Comedy Experience, host by fellow, NY King of Comedy, the green-eye bandit, Gerald Kelly aka "One Punch" from the movie "Budz House". These bad boys of comedy will bring their unique styles to an evening of comedy. Other comics set to rock the mic include Nick Carelock (Springfield, MA) and comedienne, A plus (Hartford, CT).
This is an experience you definitely don't want to miss and it all takes place on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at the LaQunita Inn & Suites, Ballroom, 100 Congress, St. Springfield, MA 01104. Doors open at 7p, showtime is 8:15p sharp.
For more information, please contact Hunter Kelly Entertainment at 917-334-9609 or 904-402-5515.
LocationLaQuinta Inn & Suites, Ballroom (View)
100 Congress Street
Springfield, MA 01104
United States
Minimum Age: 18 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |