EnergyPlus for Experienced Building Energy Modelers - Apr 23rd & 24th ' 2013
Organized by IBPSA-USA Seattle Chapter and Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
The course will focus on overall workflow to efficiently and accurately build EnergyPlus models with an emphasis on HVAC systems, controls, and customization. The workshop will be roughly 50% presentations and discussion and 50% hands-on exercises (bring your own laptop).
Instructor Dr. Michael J. Witte is a Principal Engineer at GARD Analytics, Inc. in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Since 1999, he has led GARD's EnergyPlus activities, including user support, testing and validation, training, and software development. Dr. Witte has developed and presented more than 45 EnergyPlus training workshops and webinars to more than 750 persons. A graduate of Valparaiso University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he has specialized in building energy modeling since 1983.
Registration This training is sponsored by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The training registration fee is non-refundable.
Prerequisites Intermediate to advanced knowledge of energy modeling. Know how to use EP-Launch and IDF Editor (online video tutorials available, practice with example files). Note that EP-Launch and IDF Editor will be used heavily in this workshop. These utilities are currently only available for Windows. Mac users must have a Windows virtual environment (such as VM Fusion or Parallels) in order to install and use these utilities. Review available EnergyPlus online video tutorials (43 minutes, 9 videos) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL83CB71B24D2650E9
LocationWashington State Convention Center Room no. 204 (View)
800 Convention Place
Seattle, WA 98101
United States