Once in a Blue Moon
"Once in a Blue Moon" is an original children's musical, having its debut performance at Common Street Spiritual Center at 13 Common Street in Natick Center on Friday,October 27 at 7pm and Saturday, October 28 at 2pm and 7pm. This event is a Fundraiser and all proceeds will benefit the Common Street Spiritual Center.
There are eleven children in the play from the Metrowest area. There are eleven original songs, along with tap dancing.
It's a story of children who go to camp on a farm and the animals are the counselors. These animals have a lot to say. They have a barn and they're putting on a show. What ensues is a delightful re-connection to nature and a reminder that we learned to dance by watching animals move, ie. the pony, fox trot, hip hop. You will also finally discover why the chicken crossed the road. We hope to see you there.
LocationCommon Street Music and Arts Sanctuary (View)
13 Common Street
Natick, MA 01760
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |