"An Afternoon With Lauren Anderson" Hosted by Debbie Allen
The Debbie Allen Dance Academy (DADA) presents the annual DADA On Pointe Ballet Intensive featuring "A Talkback with Lauren Anderson" hosted by Co-Founder and Artistic Director of the Debbie Allen Dance Academy and Directing Executive Producer of "Grey's Anatomy," Ms. Debbie Allen.
This exclusive talkback with Lauren Anderson, the first African American prima ballerina of a major US dance company, will be hosted at the Grand Arts High School Concert Hall on Saturday, April 8th from 1:15-2:45 pm.
The 'DADA on Pointe' Ballet Intensive, which runs from April 8-12th, features guest artists including Lauren Anderson, former principal of the Houston Ballet, and Dusty Button, a principal dancer with the Boston Ballet.
Registration for the 'DADA on Pointe Ballet Intensive' is open to Intermediate to advanced students ages 8 to 25 with at least three years of Classical Ballet training.
Students will have the unique opportunity to study with unrivaled world-class ballet masters from Russia and the United States in Ballet, Pointe,Character, Mens Technique, Variations, Modern, Graham, Jazz and Contemporary Repertoire, as well as Ballet History.
For more information about 'Dada on Pointe" please visit: www.debbieallendanceacademy.com/intensives/
LocationGrand Arts High School Concert Hall (View)
450 N. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles , CA 90012
United States
Minimum Age: 8 |
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |