Halal Coma Presents: Halal-ujah! Festival
The Halal-ujah! Festival is a music festival which will be held at 5050 Skatepark in Stapleton, Staten Island, NYC. It is a culmination of Halal Comas roster for the past year, bringing together the best and most successful musicians into one big event.
Times: Doors: 5:00PM
Lineup: 5:30PM- Gallons Of Pork: https://gallonsofpork.bandcamp.com/album/meat-the-band 6:15PM- Plastiq Passion: https://plastiqpassion.bandcamp.com 7:00PM- Psychonaut Underground:https://www.reverbnation.com/psychonautunderground 7:45PM- Secret Nudist Friends: https://secretnudistfriends.bandcamp.com 8:30PM- That One Eyed Kid: https://thatoneeyedkid.bandcamp.com/ 9:15PM- Doziac: https://doziac.bandcamp.com 10:00PM- Not From Concentrate: https://notfromconcentrate.bandcamp.com 10:45PM- Paraiso: http://paraisoband.bandcamp.com 11:30PM-
Location5050 Skatepark (View)
354 Front Street
Staten Island, NY 10304
United States