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"8" the Play
The Nomad Theatre
Boulder, CO
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Sorry it is past the deadline for online ticket sales. But don't despair, you can still purchase a ticket for the staged reading of "8" the Play between 7 and 7:30 PM Thursday, 12/6 at the Nomad Theatre. See you there!


"8" the Play
Join OUT Boulder for a one-night-only staged reading of Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black's new documentary-style play: "8".

Doors at 6:30, reading to start at 7 with panel to follow directly after reading.

Directed by Colleen Mylott, co-founder Band of Toughs, who has trained and worked professionally with members of the Tectonic Theater Project, including Moisés Kaufman, "8"the Play is an emotional exploration of the arguments that swirl around the heated debate of marriage equality in America.  Local theatre professionals, students from Naropa University and CU-Boulder, and Boulder community members will come together to present this exclusive reading.  

Ticket sales and donations will benefit Out Boulder, Band of Toughs, and the American Foundation for Equal Rights the organizational sponsor of the federal lawsuit for marriage equality.  

Discussant Panel for "8: The Play" Promises Good conversation!

A fantastic group of folks has agreed to serve as a panel for the discussion following Out Boulder'sDec. 6 presentation of "8-The Play", Academy Award-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black's ("Milk") newest work. The Proposition 8 case has important linkages to Amendment 2, Colorado's own bit of anti-LGBT legislation (to learn more, read this).

Given the importance of this play, we wanted to round it out with a truly stellar group of panelistsand we have succeeded in finding them. The panel includes an assortment of people with a range of expertise and a variety of perspectives on this case and its "Colorado connection." Their combined contributions should make for a truly informative and thought-provoking discussion after the play. Here they are:

Dr. Lee Badgett is the Research Director at the Williams Institute for Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy at UCLA and author of a book about same-sex marriage in the US and in other countries, When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage?* In addition, Lee was one of several experts who testified for the side challenging Prop 8 in the Proposition 8 trial, the subject of this play.

Rev. Pat Bruns is the senior pastor at First United Methodist Church (FUMC) in Boulder, who offered an apology to LGBTQ folks for their mistreatment by the Christian church, including his own denomination*. He and the other FUMC pastors have recently made a commitment to perform same-sex unions in the church, despite the explicit prohibition on such services by the worldwide United Methodist Church.

Brad Clark is the Executive Director of One Colorado, the statewide LGBT organization whose goal is to secure and protect equality and opportunity for LGBT Coloradans. Brad has led OneColorado in organizing an impressive movement for civil unions, as well as pursuing other important initiatives, such as building coalitions with other community, health, faith, labor, and business organizations to pass anti-bullying legislation and develop an LGBT health initiative.

Jean Dubofsky is an attorney with a long history of civil rights work and of active support for the LGBT community. Jean served as lead counsel when the constitutionality of Colorado's anti-LGBT Amendment 2 was challenged before the United States Supreme Court. Her successful work in that case led the US Supreme Court to declare Amendment 2 unconstitutional (Romer v.Evans).

Dr. Glenda Russell is a psychologist at CU's Counseling and Psychological Services and also has a private practice. Glenda has been deeply involved in LGBT issues as a psychologist and community activist for many years. She was active in the "No on 2" campaign against Amendment 2 and then conducted research on the psychological impact of anti-LGBT politics. Her findings are detailed in her book, Voted Out: The Psychological Consequences of Anti-gay Politics.

It's hard to imagine a better group of people to educate and challenge us as we consider the meaning of this play and the current state of LGBT rights.
Please join us for the conversation after the play!


The Nomad Theatre (View)
1410 Quince Avenue
Boulder, CO 80306
United States
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Arts > Performance
Social > LGBT

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


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