Bread & Puppet Theater: Performance of FIRE
We are thrilled at the response to the performance - our venue is now SOLD OUT
Please tell your friends that they can experience Bread and Puppet in Oakland on October 7th http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2298620
and in San Francisco on October 9th.
For the first time in fourteen years artist Peter Schumann and the Bread and Puppet Theater will tour the Bay Area, performing its original play, FIRE, which catapulted the company to international acclaim 50 years ago.
Wednesday, October 7th, 7pm FIRE performance, followed by a Bread Reception at Sebastopol Grange, 6000 Sebastopol Ave. Hwy. 12, Sebastopol, CA
Tickets are $20 or donation. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. This play may not be appropriate for young children.
ABOUT FIRE: "Humans wage war against each other and their own mother: Nature. Essentially war is the ferocious stupidity that insists on the application of brutality for problem solution, whether the brutality is directed at humans or mountaintops. "FIRE" is a chapel against war, where you sit down to witness the effects of war while contemplating its opposite." --Peter Schumann
In 1965, Schumann and his troupe presented FIRE, a hard-hitting piece about the Vietnam War, to critical acclaim at the Nancy Theater Festival in France.
FIRE shows six days in a Vietnamese community, followed by a bombing raid and ending with a self-immolation. Dedicated to three Americans who immolated themselves in protest against the Vietnam War, FIRE is performed with life-size puppets that resemble their masked manipulators. May not be appropriate for young children.
ABOUT BREAD & PUPPET: Since 1974, Bread and Puppet has spun its magic from a farm in Glover, Vermont, with hundreds of apprentices guided by a philosophy of living and working within available means, making "cheap art" that is easily accessible to the people. This frugal ethos permeates Bread and Puppet's aesthetic, inextricable from the paper-mache, burlap, twine and cardboard that literally hold the puppets and shows together.
6000 Sebastopol Ave / Hwy 12
Sebastopol, CA 95472
United States