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American DREAMers - 7th Cine+Mas San Francisco Latino Film Festival - Shows with Resilience Undocumented
Mission Cultural Center For Latino Arts
San Francisco, CA
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American DREAMers - 7th Cine+Mas San Francisco Latino Film Festival - Shows with Resilience Undocumented
American DREAMers shows with short- Resilience Undocumented

American DREAMers
Directors -  Saray Deiseil/Jenniffer Castillo
USA/ 2015/ 88 min/ English/ Immigration/Youth

"American DREAMers" follows the journey of Jon, Vero, Raymi, Jose, Alex, and Nico - also known as the Campaign for an American DREAM (CAD) - a group of five undocumented youth and an ally who risk their freedom to organize for immigrant rights by outing themselves as undocumented and walking more than 3,000 miles across America's heartland.Their stories of growing up in a country they know as home while constantly fearing that their families will be separated, inspires people from all parts of the country to take part in what they believe is their civil rights movement. These are college students, young professionals, activists, and community leaders. They are undocumented and unafraid.
En American DREAMers, varios jóvenes indocumentados arriesgan su libertad organizando un grupo a favor de los derechos del los indocumentados. Ellos caminan 3,000 millas atravesando el pais para llegar a la capital. Son indocumentados que no le temen al gobierno, pero luchan porque si le temen a la posibilidad de que separen a sus familias.

Resilience Undocumented shown with American DREAMers
Director - Kayla Mulholland
USA/ 2015/ 15 min/ English/Spanish/ Immigration/ Women in Film

The film focuses on Latino immigrant day laborers' lived experience and the effects of poverty and discrimination on their well-being. The film addresses some of the social, structural and environmental factors associated with the struggles these immigrants face by looking at the historical and political context of their everyday lives, to include their legal status, social networks, financial situation, risk environments and their physical and emotional well-being. Through the lives of the few men speaking we begin to see how the story of a few can tell a story of the many in capturing the hardships of the Latino immigrant experience, while highlighting the broader context of what it means to live as an undocumented immigrant.

The film discusses how these immigrants are effected by globalization and political conflicts, while recognizing that the growing violence and poverty in Mexico and Central America has forced many migrants to leave their homes and communities. The film shows that these are people who come to the US to find work and in the process struggle to survive and take care of their families in a system where all odds are against them. By looking at the social determinants of health and the lived experiences of these men, the film provides an informed voice for this often silenced and invisible community deemed as "illegal" and unworthy of many basic human rights."
Este documental hace un recuento de las experiencia de inmigrantes jornaleros y los efectos de la pobreza y la discriminación para su bienestar. Por medio de entrevistas ellos narran sus experiencias personales, mientras dejan ver los efectos de la política y la globalización donde pasan a ser piezas en un juego donde no hay ningún tipo de redención para ellos. Ellos vienen de países donde tampoco quedan esperanzas de una vida digna. Su voces resuenan como el eco de una comunidad ignorada, marginalizada, y sobre todo "ilegal," a los que no se les otorga lo básico de derechos humanos.


Mission Cultural Center For Latino Arts (View)
2868 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States


Arts > Dance
Film > Festivals
Film > Movies

Minimum Age: 14
Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: Cine Mas SF/ Latino Film Festival
On BPT Since: Sep 26, 2009
David Franco

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