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Eleanor by Margery Fairchild
EXIT Theatre
San Francisco, CA
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Eleanor by Margery Fairchild
"Eleanor" is a new dramatization of the exploits of the French queen Eleanor of Aquitaine.  A strong female sovereign alongside both of her husbands, as well as in her own right, Eleanor established the notion of courtship and romantic love in a way that forever transformed the role of women in the west.  As a central figure in the chivalric code of courtly love, Eleanor, a true "lioness in winter", showed that women were more than a piece of property sold by a marriage contract and expected to turn into well-behaved bearers of male children.  With her influence a woman's attention became something to fight for and earn.  For centuries Eleanor has been condemned by writers and only now is her true contribution coming to light.  Fairchild's "Eleanor" imaginatively furthers this new insight into a true diva of history.

"Eleanor" is created by Dark Porch Theatre the latest Theatre-in-Residence at EXIT Theatre.  DPT is dedicated to creating original, genre-blending theatre, founded in the spirit of collaboration, and exploiting the dramatic possibilities of dance and movement. Founded in 2002 by Margery Fairchild in Portland, Oregon, Dark Porch Theatre has presented numerous works since moving to San Francisco, among them "Hen!" (NohSpace, 2005), "Under the Bed: A Fairy Tale Set in Purgatory" (The Garage Theatre, 2007). With Martin Schwartz as co-artistic director, DPT has produced world-premiere productions of "The In Betweens" (EXIT Stage Left, 2009); "Cockroach" (2009 San Francisco Fringe Festival Best New Play Award), and "Comedy Ballet" (The Garage and EXIT Stage Left, 2010).
Written, Directed, and Choreographed by Margery Fairchild, Featuring: Alice Moore*, Nathan Tucker, Mikka Bonel, Christopher P. Kelly, Scott Ragle, Brandon Wiley, Matthew Von MeeZee, Martin Schwartz, Sarah Moss, Jenni Gebhardt, Natalie Koski-Karell, Meg Hurtado, and Ryan Beebe.

Songs and Music by Margery Fairchild and Ryan Beebe, Musical Direction by Ryan Beebe, Dramaturgy and Script Development by Martin Schwartz, Concept Developed by Fairchild, Schwartz, and Beebe, Lighting Design by Curtis Overacre, Set and Prop Design by Jonathan Horton and Able & Baker Studio, Costume Design by Sarah Moss, Stage Managed by Meghann Dubie
*Appears courtesy of Actors' Equity Association. An Equity approved project.
Co-produced with Dark Porch Theatre, in residence at the EXIT.


EXIT Theatre
156 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States



Owner: Fringe Archive
On BPT Since: Nov 20, 2015
Christina Augello

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