Modified Style Portland -- Fun(d)raiser Fashion Show
"The potential of art and fashion to inspire social transformation" May 1, 2011 @ 6pm at Disjecta
(Portland, Oregon) On May 1st, over 50 designers will take to the stage for Modified Style to showcase their designs in an effort to raise funds and awareness for three local non-profits.
Modified Style Portland is approaching it's third year, says organizers Janessa Philemon-Kerp, Andrea Fretwell and Laura Boley. Previous years included stints at the Secret Society Ballroom and the Jupiter Hotel. Modified Style is not your typical fashion show--in addition to incorporating sustainability into every aspect of the event, the creators are using the fashion as a platform to raise awareness among their peers about local charities. Ms. Philemon-Kerp says their main goal is "to show people in our age group--mid twenties to mid thirties--how easy it is to donate to charities. And we want people to enjoy themselves while doing it."
In addition to raising money and awareness for Sisters Of The Road, Out to Pasture Farm Sanctuary, and Children's Healing Arts Project (CHAP) the organizers aim to inspire confidence in men and women who have never designed before. "Learning how to sew three years ago really inspired me," Ms. Fretwell says. She's passionate about "designers unlocking their potential. So many people don't know how much they're capable of until they accomplish something new."
Last year's winner was the talented Ms. Wood, who with her newfound confidence went on to win Catapult, Portland Fashion Week's much-anticipated Emerging Designer Competition. She and Modified Style were recently mentioned in a Portland Monthly spread. This year the competition will be divided between ameteur and professional, which the organizers hope will lend to more potential designers coming forward.
Modified Style's fundraiser fashion show takes place May, 1st 2011 at the performance arts venue Disjecta. With a raffle and a chance to buy your favorite creation at the Silent Auction, this year's event looks like a fantastic way to spend an evening while helping some great causes.
6:00PM Doors open
7:00PM Fun(d)raiser Fashion Show begins
8:30PM Winner's announced - Silent Auction begins, Entertainment by DJ Prashant
10:00PM After Party: Bollywood Dance Party
DJ Prashant Kakad and his Bollywood dance class will have guests on their feet in a Jai Ho at the Modified Style Portland After Party. The party starts with Bhangra dance lessons for guests, who then get to dance the night away with their new-found traditional Indian dance moves. For more about DJ Prashant, check out his website (http://prashantkakad.com/). Tickets are $15 in advance (VIP Seats available - includes free wine by Bear Flag $30).
8371 N Interstate
Portland, OR 97217
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |