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Storm Surge: Stories of Survival, Resiliency and Gulf Coast Recovery.
Campion Ballroom - Seattle University
Seattle, WA
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Tickets for general admission are $25.00 at the door, $10.00 for students with valid ID.


Storm Surge: Stories of Survival, Resiliency and Gulf Coast Recovery.
The BP Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig was capped, but the trauma flows on.

Storm Surge is a mini-documentary film which tells uncensored stories from people in the Gulf Coast and how they are recovering in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster, and the lack of effective corporate and government accountability and oversight with the recovery efforts.

In late August, a trio of aspiring citizen journalists from Seattle ventured to the Gulf Coast on a three-week road-trip to determine whether the mainstream media, BP, and local and federal government agencies are accurately reporting the on-the-ground facts and adequately assisting with the effort to help people get their lives and livelihoods back on track.

The crew captures an array of frank and candid stories of fraud, corruption, and Stalinesque censorship and message control that would make the old Soviet Union proud.  

They learn of leagues of people who have fallen ill because of acute exposure to a mixture of oil, methane gas and Corexit (an oil dispersant) that has been, ironically enough, banned in the UK as it's known to cause respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders.

They see first hand the financial and emotional stress with shrimpers, crabbers and fisherman, whose families have harvested and made their living from the waters of the Gulf of Mexico since pre-Civil War America has led to a marked increase in alcohol abuse, divorce rates and attempted suicides.

They hear tales of massive die-offs of sea birds, marine life and fish that many say are Biblical in proportion.

And, the team grows to respect the cynicism about BP, the federal government, the Coast Guard, the Environmental Protection Agency, local governments, and even neighbors is palpable beyond words.

Please join the Moontown Foundation, Seattle University's Natural Leaders Program, and the Climate Change Relocation Center of Seattle for a rather sobering look at the current day realities of living in the Gulf Coast.

An panel discussion and Q & A session follows the screening.

Appetizers and refreshments provided.


Campion Ballroom - Seattle University
914 E. Jefferson Street
Seattle, WA 98122
United States



Minimum Age: 13
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: No
Wheelchair Accessible: No


Emmanuelle Escandar

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